Shifting Perspectives: Embracing Neurodivergent Strengths in Sensory Therapy

Jul 04, 2023

For many years, neurodivergent individuals have been viewed through a deficit-based lens, focusing on the challenges and difficulties associated with their conditions. However, a shift in perspective is occurring in the field of neurodiversity affirming therapy, where individuals with neurodivergent conditions are recognised for their unique strengths and abilities. This perspective is particularly relevant in sensory integration therapy, where an emphasis on neurodivergent strengths is at the forefront of the therapists mind during sessions, and this can lead to more positive and effective therapy outcomes.

One key aspect of neurodiversity affirming sensory therapy is recognising and embracing the unique sensory strengths of each individual. For example, an autistic child may have a heightened ability to perceive and process certain sensory inputs, such as touch. Traditionally, tactile experiences may be removed or reduced in order to ‘control’ the environment for the child. However, by recognising and building upon tactile strengths using acceptable and child led tactile experiences in the presence of other sensations like vestibular and proprioception, therapists can support the child to engage positively in tactile activities. This enhances sensory integration and therefore sensory processing on a whole allowing the sensory OT to get closer to supporting tactile-rich ADL tasks that may have been avoided in the past.

Another aspect of embracing neurodivergent strengths in sensory therapy is focusing on the individual's interests and preferences. For example, an individual with a strong interest in music may benefit from incorporating music-based activities into their therapy sessions. An individual who has a strong interest in a certain TV character or toy may benefit from incorporating this item into their therapy session eg Bluey can swing on the child’s lap with them, or play hide n seek in the ball pit. By incorporating activities that align with the individual's interests, therapists can create a more engaging and enjoyable therapy experience, which can lead to improved therapy outcomes.

In addition to recognising and building upon the child’s strengths, neurodiversity affirming sensory therapy also emphasises the importance of a strengths-based approach in general. By focusing on the individual's strengths and abilities, therapists can support the child to build their self-esteem and confidence, leading to improved emotional regulation and overall well-being.

Overall, embracing neurodivergent strengths in sensory integration therapy represents a shift in perspective towards a more positive and empowering approach to neurodivergent individuals. By recognising and building upon the unique strengths and abilities of each individual, therapists can create a more engaging and effective therapy experience, which can lead to improved daily functioning and overall quality of life


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