The Power of Positive Sensory Experiences in Neurodiversity Affirming Therapy

Jun 21, 2023

For individuals with neurodivergent conditions, such as ASD, ADHD sensory processing difficulties can be a daily challenge. Sensory input can be experienced as overwhelming, leading to dysregulation and avoidance of certain activities and sometimes big emotions that place the child at risk. However, neurodiversity affirming (NDA) sensory therapy emphasises the importance of positive and engaging sensory experiences to improve sensory processing and regulation in all the child’s settings, not just the therapy room.

Positive sensory experiences can help individuals with sensory processing difficulties develop a positive and safe relationship with sensory input. By providing opportunities for safe, positive and enjoyable sensory experiences in therapy sessions, individuals can learn to tolerate and process sensory input in a more effective and efficient manner. This can lead to improvements in daily functioning, regulation, and overall quality of life.

NDA sensory therapy sessions are child led and co-created with the child and therapist collaborating on activity choices that will not only be a positive sensory experience but also scaffold and support the child’s unique sensory needs on the day. This may include suspension (like certain swings) or non-suspension equipment like bouncing on a trampoline, rolling over or under a peanut ball or playing with tactile materials like sand or water. These activities, integrating vestibular proprioception and tactile inputs, can provide the opportunity for the individual to experience sensory input in a positive and engaging way, and to develop a sense of enjoyment and comfort with different types of sensory input.

Positive sensory experiences can also be used outside of therapy sessions to support sensory needs. This can include creating a sensory-friendly environment at home or engaging in specific activities that provide positive sensory input. For example, an individual who enjoys the feeling of pressure may benefit from engaging in activities that involve heavy lifting or pushing. In the school setting, with mindful collaboration with the teaching staff, sensory inputs may also be used in order to support children who experience overwhelm in this setting.

It is important to note that positive sensory experiences should be tailored to the individual's sensory profile and preferences. What is positive and enjoyable for one individual may not be the same for another. Therefore, a key aspect of neurodiversity affirming sensory therapy is an individualised approach, where therapy sessions are designed specifically to meet the unique needs and preferences of each individual.

In conclusion, positive sensory experiences are a powerful tool in neurodiversity affirming sensory therapy. By providing enjoyable and engaging sensory integration therapy, individuals with sensory processing difficulties can learn to tolerate and process sensory input in a more effective and efficient manner. This can lead to improved daily functioning, emotional regulation, and overall quality of life.

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