$825.00 AUD



1. Information is not Occupational Therapy.

  • The information, content and template documents (together â€˜the content’) provided by SenseUp (and Kerry Evetts as a representative of SenseUp), does not constitute occupational therapy, and is provided for information only.
  • The content is intended only to provide training and education on sensory processing as a summary and general overview on sensory processing compiled and presented by Kerry Evetts based on evidence from the literature, studies and personal experience.
  • It is not intended to be a substitute for accreditation via universities or other professional bodies, and should not be relied upon as such. You should seek supervision from your employer in relation to any particular sensory-related matters you or your organisation may have.

  2.Limitation of Liability

  • SenseUp is not responsible to you or anyone else for any loss suffered in connection with the use of this content.
  • SenseUp makes no warranties or representations about the content. We exclude, to the maximum extent permitted by law, any liability which may arise as a result of the use of this content.
  • Where liability cannot be excluded, any liability incurred by use in relation to the use of this content is limited to the extent provided for by the Australian Consumer Law (Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010). To the extent permitted by law, we will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential loss. 

 3.No Occupational Therapy / Client relationship

  • Your use of this content is not intended to create, nor does it create, an OT-client relationship between you and Kerry Evetts/ SenseUp.

 4. No Therapy for specific children

  • Your use of the content in these courses, groups and masterclasses, as well as information gained from the website or Facebook group in your therapy sessions with children on your caseload is not intended to be direct therapy.

Any information gained through your interactions with SenseUp content, should be used with careful consideration, and through individual client assessment and intervention. You remain responsible for the content of therapy sessions you provide, including whether any particular approach is suitable for the patient or client in question.

Are you an OT that loves to collaborate with your peers, to be part of a community of like minded OT's and to champion sensory children beyond this course?

Being a founding member means that you get to join us at the beginning of this journey - to co-create this space with us for $45 per month. 

What you get:

Monthly Q&A at 9am and 4pm on a Thursday

Monthly Masterclass or Exclusive Interviews

Lively & Interactive FB Group to ask your sensory questions and absorb knowledge from others. 

10% off future courses 


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Adelaide 7th & 8th September 2024

Address:130 Main Road, McLaren Vale, South Australia, 5171.

Join a small group of fellow OT's and learn sensory theory and practice related to dyspraxia and other sensory-motor concerns for children under 9 years. You will experience suspension and non-suspension equipment first hand in a sensory gym and walk away with ideas you can use in your clinical work on Monday!

What you'll get:

  • 6 hours of Sensory Processing and Sensory Motor Theory
  • 3- 4 hours of practical 
  • Interaction & networking with a small group of colleagues 
  • Workbooks to document your learnings
  • Attendance Certificate for 10 hours of PD 

How you will feel:

  • inspired by your learning
  • creative and keen to apply the learning to your own setting
  • grateful to have met such a lovely group of OT's :)
  • confident in your ability to support your dyspraxic clients to the best of your ability 

[ This course is only for OT's ]